Thursday, December 4, 2014

Egg Project - Sketches and Focal Points

Hi guys! This is the new project. I'm drawing eggs, and I get to use color!!!!!! We have to use dots to make the colors blend from far away. These are the sketches and focal point maps. The red is the main part of the drawing. The light purple is the negative apace. The dark purple is the cardboard I glued the eggs on.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Brushes for Portrait

These are the brushes I used in this portrait. The hazy one was used between a 12 and 18 flow. The solid one was used at 100 flow.

This is the custom brush that I made. I used this one at a low flow.

Monday, November 17, 2014

My Self Portrait

Hey guys! This is my self portrait! I LOVE how the glasses came out...and my eyes. I hope that you like it.
leave a comment if you can and tell me what you think! :3

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Hey! this is the facial grid guys! This is the last part of the project. Now you guys get to see what I look like...sorta.
Don't worry, I don't always look that strict. I'm normally a nice person. : )


Here is the grid to my face! I think that this one's cool. I like how I look al Geometric and boxy. I feel like I'm part of a famous painting. :D


Hey guys! here are the muscles of my face...

I think it's kinda creepy... >. >

Monday, October 27, 2014


This is the start of another project guys! It's called the Facebook Project. (haha) Anyway, I,m going to be doing the anatomy of my face. Here is what my interpretation of my skull looks like. :3

Friday, October 10, 2014


Here it is guys! I finished the tree! I really liked how it came out. I hope you like it. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gradient Brush

This is the brush that I used.

Gradient With Brush

Me experimenting with brushes some more. This time I made a gradient with it, It goes from black to almost white.

Friday, October 3, 2014

BRUSHES for Tree Project

So, these are the brushes that I made for the Tree Project. There are three different wood patterns, a foggy pattern for the sky, and a leaf one for the tree's leaves.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mass Gesture Drawings

This is the last thing that I have to post guys! These are my hand drawings. These are so that you can see the basic shape of the hand. Now I can start to work on the Tree Project! :3

Web Drawings

These are the web drawings that I drew. The lines are made so you can see the roundness of the picture. There is a paper towel role, a wire to my tablet, and my buddy Emmet. He is the class skull, and he sits on my desk every class. He decided to let me draw him, and I think that it came out very well. 8D

Ribbon Drawing

Hey! This is my ribbon drawing I finally finished. This is one thing off of my list of things I have to put on here before I can start the Tree Project. I can't wait! :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Next Project

This is the next thing that I am going to work on guys! This is number 3 out of a giant picture. I really wanted one with at least one person in it, but I got a tree instead. I don't mind. I love trees. They are the best kind of plant next to flowers. They can be beautiful during any season. If it's when they are bare with snow and icicles hanging on the branches in the winter, having beautiful green leaves during the summer and spring, or showing its true florescent colors in the fall, they will always look beautiful no matter how old they get. I can't wait to get started, but I have some other things to catch up on before I do :(

(Poster's Note: Do you remember the leaf drawing a few posts back? Well, if you look closely, you can see it hanging :3 )

Thursday, September 25, 2014

LAYERS for Leaves Drawing

This is all of the layers... Yeah. -_-

FINAL Leaves Drawing

Ok guys! This is the final product! The things that I did to make this unique in my own way was using filters, the types of photos, and adding a personal meaning to it. There are three different layers for each background picture. So that means there are three different pictures in each space. The types of photos I used are also important. The original photos that I used before adding more on top of them are different types of fruit. This has personal meaning to me because it's not just that it's my favorite kind of snack, it reminds me of my sixteenth birthday. We had the biggest fruit salad ever, and there were twenty different fruits! I also used these textures because the were appealing to my eye. Even though I picked them out at random, I found a way to make them work together. Well, I like how it came out. My favorite part is the water-colored, blueberry galaxy. That would be OUT OF THIS WORLD (get it) if that was a real thing. (I'm sorry I had to)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Negative Space With Color!

There has been some progress guys! the other two pictures I was talking about are one here now with color! (by that I mean photos) There are still some tweaks to be made. I love them, and I hope you like them too. ^v^

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Negative Leaves

This is one of the drawing I did today. It is all about negative space. I really enjoyed doing it. Maybe later on I can post the other two. X3

Monday, September 15, 2014

Be Back in Five

THIS IS IT GUYS! My first project on Photoshop ever is finally completed (teacher approved). I think that it came out really well. Definitely better than I thought it would come out to be, since this was the first time ever using Photoshop for anything...well I'm satisfied. I like the title too. ^.^

Oh, and by the way, THAT SHOE TOOK FOREVER TO DO. OnO

Wednesday, September 10, 2014



My First Drawing on Photoshop! ^.^

I am so excited right now guys! This is the first time I've used Photoshop, and it's coming out really well. I need to make a few final adjustments, and then it will be done. I need to make a title for it, and sign it. I also have to get the teacher's opinion for final tweaks. Oh, I can't wait! :3

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First Post!!!

Ok... this is my first time having a blog. I am telling you now that there will be a lot of fandom stuff like cars, robots and ponies. if you don't like any of those things, then leave now for your own good.

(and don't worry I don't post inappropriate stuff)