Thursday, September 25, 2014

FINAL Leaves Drawing

Ok guys! This is the final product! The things that I did to make this unique in my own way was using filters, the types of photos, and adding a personal meaning to it. There are three different layers for each background picture. So that means there are three different pictures in each space. The types of photos I used are also important. The original photos that I used before adding more on top of them are different types of fruit. This has personal meaning to me because it's not just that it's my favorite kind of snack, it reminds me of my sixteenth birthday. We had the biggest fruit salad ever, and there were twenty different fruits! I also used these textures because the were appealing to my eye. Even though I picked them out at random, I found a way to make them work together. Well, I like how it came out. My favorite part is the water-colored, blueberry galaxy. That would be OUT OF THIS WORLD (get it) if that was a real thing. (I'm sorry I had to)

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